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Gunakan tools ini jika kamu ingin menulis rumus matematika di dalam html


AsciiMath adalah bahasa markup yang mudah ditulis untuk matematika.
Cobalah dalam renderer interaktif:

Define equation with LaTeX markup.<Tab> or <Ctrl+ arrows keys> to jump between brackets and matrix elements.
Formatted string containing your Equation for inclusion in other platforms. Click text to copy to clipboard.

`sum_(i=1)^n i^3=((n(n+1))/2)^2`


Untuk memulai, Anda memiliki dua opsi:

  1. Gunakan MathJax untuk merender formula Anda. MathJax adalah mesin tampilan JavaScript open source yang lengkap untuk matematika dan berfungsi di semua browser.
    Ini adalah pendekatan yang disarankan!

    Mulailah dengan memuat konfigurasi AsciiMath default:

    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.4/latest.js?config=AM_CHTML"></script>

    Kunjungi halaman Memulai MathJax untuk menemukan opsi CDN lainnya , atau untuk mempelajari cara menginstal MathJax secara lokal di server Anda.

    Teks dalam HTML Anda yang terlampir di `(backticks) sekarang akan dirender sebagai rumus matematika. Pembatas matematika juga dapat disesuaikan. Lihat situs web MathJax untuk informasi lebih lanjut!

  2. Muat file javascript AsciiMath ( dapatkan di GitHub ) di tag headatau body di situs web Anda seperti ini:

    <script src="ASCIIMathML.js"></script>

    File ini berisi JavaScript untuk mengonversi notasi AsciiMath dan (beberapa) LaTeX ke Presentation MathML. Konversi dilakukan saat halaman HTML dimuat.

    Perhatian: Saat ini hanya berfungsi di Firefox dan Safari.

    Sementara HTML5 sekarang menyertakan MathML sebagai rekomendasi resmi, browser yang tersisa tampaknya tidak mengimplementasikannya. Untuk kompatibilitas browser terluas, penggunaan MathJax direkomendasikan.


Most AsciiMath symbols attempt to mimic in text what they look like rendered, like oo for . Many symbols can also be displayed using a TeX alternative, but a preceeding backslash is not required.

Operation symbols
Type TeX alt See
+ +
- -
* cdot
** ast
*** star
// /
\\ backslash
xx times ×
-: div ÷
|>< ltimes
><| rtimes
|><| bowtie
@ circ
o+ oplus
ox otimes
o. odot
^^ wedge
^^^ bigwedge
vv vee
vvv bigvee
nn cap
nnn bigcap
uu cup
uuu bigcup
Miscellaneous symbols
Type TeX alt See
2/3 frac{2}{3} 23
2^3 23
sqrt x x
root(3)(x) x3
del partial
grad nabla
+- pm ±
O/ emptyset
oo infty
:. therefore
:' because
|...| |ldots| |...|
|cdots| ||
|\ | | |
|quad| |  |
/_ angle
/_\ triangle
|__ lfloor
__| rfloor
|~ lceiling
~| rceiling
"hi" text(hi) hi
Relation symbols
Type TeX alt See
= =
!= ne
< lt <
> gt >
<= le
>= ge
mlt ll m<
mgt gg m>
-< prec
-<= preceq
>- succ
>-= succeq
!in notin
sub subset
sup supset
sube subseteq
supe supseteq
-= equiv
~= cong
~~ approx
prop propto
Logical symbols
Type TeX alt See
and and
or or
not neg ¬
=> implies
if if
<=> iff
AA forall
EE exists
_|_ bot
TT top
|-- vdash
|== models
Grouping brackets
Type TeX alt See
( (
) )
[ [
] ]
{ {
} }
(: langle
:) rangle
{: x ) x)
( x :} (x
abs(x) |x|
floor(x) x
ceil(x) x
norm(vecx) x
Type TeX alt See
uarr uparrow
darr downarrow
rarr rightarrow
-> to
>-> rightarrowtail
->> twoheadrightarrow
>->> twoheadrightarrowtail
|-> mapsto
larr leftarrow
harr leftrightarrow
rArr Rightarrow
lArr Leftarrow
hArr Leftrightarrow
Type TeX alt See
hat x x^
bar x overline x x¯
ul x underline x x̲
vec x x
tilde x x~
dot x x.
ddot x x..
overset(x)(=) overset(x)(=) =x
underset(x)(=) =x
ubrace(1+2) underbrace(1+2) 1+2
obrace(1+2) overbrace(1+2) 1+2
color(red)(x) x
cancel(x) x
Greek Letters
Type See Type See
alpha α
beta β
gamma γ Gamma Γ
delta δ Delta Δ
epsilon ε
varepsilon ɛ
zeta ζ
eta η
theta θ Theta Θ
vartheta ϑ
iota ι
kappa κ
lambda λ Lambda Λ
mu μ
nu ν
xi ξ Xi Ξ
pi π Pi Π
rho ρ
sigma σ Sigma Σ
tau τ
upsilon υ
phi ϕ Phi Φ
varphi φ
chi χ
psi ψ Psi Ψ
omega ω Omega Ω
Font commands
Type TeX alt See
bb "AaBbCc" mathbf "AaBbCc" AaBbCc
bbb "AaBbCc" mathbb "AaBbCc" AaBbCc
cc "AaBbCc" mathcal "AaBbCc" AaBbCc
tt "AaBbCc" mathtt "AaBbCc" AaBbCc
fr "AaBbCc" mathfrak "AaBbCc" AaBbCc
sf "AaBbCc" mathsf "AaBbCc" AaBbCc

Standard Functions

sin, cos, tan, sec, csc, cot, arcsin, arccos, arctan, sinh, cosh, tanh, sech, csch, coth, exp, log, ln, det, dim, mod, gcd, lcm, lub, glb, min, max, f, g.

Special Cases

Matrices: [[a,b],[c,d]] yields to [abcd]

Column vectors: ((a),(b)) yields to (ab)

Augmented matrices: [[a,b,|,c],[d,e,|,f]] yields to [abcdef]

Matrices can be used for layout: {(2x,+,17y,=,23),(x,-,y,=,5):} yields {2x+17y=23x-y=5

Complex subscripts: lim_(N->oo) sum_(i=0)^N yields to limNi=0N

Subscripts must come before superscripts: int_0^1 f(x)dx yields to 01f(x)dx

Derivatives: f'(x) = dy/dx yields f(x)=dydx
For variables other than x,y,z, or t you will need grouping symbols: (dq)/(dp) for dqdp

Overbraces and underbraces: ubrace(1+2+3+4)_("4 terms") yields 1+2+3+44 terms.
obrace(1+2+3+4)^("4 terms") yields 1+2+3+44 terms.

Attention: Always try to surround the > and < characters with spaces so that the html parser does not confuse it with an opening or closing tag!

The Grammar

Here is a definition of the grammar used to parse AsciiMath expressions. In the Backus-Naur form given below, the letter on the left of the ::= represents a category of symbols that could be one of the possible sequences of symbols listed on the right. The vertical bar | separates the alternatives.

v ::= [A-Za-z] | greek letters | numbers | other constant symbols
u ::= sqrt | text | bb | other unary symbols for font commands
b ::= frac | root | stackrel | other binary symbols
l ::= ( | [ | { | (: | {: | other left brackets
r ::= ) | ] | } | :) | :} | other right brackets
S ::= v | lEr | uS | bSS             Simple expression
I ::= S_S | S^S | S_S^S | S          Intermediate expression
E ::= IE | I/I                       Expression
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